Movies to watch: Peacock - Jan 2021
Tired of scrolling endlessly through the list of streaming movies? Check out our recommendations.
Here are 10 Movies to check out on peacock

Children of Men – (2006)
Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, Children of Men is a unique and compelling movie about a depressing world in which women can no longer have babies. When Theo (Clive Owen) encounters a pregnant woman, he must journey to get her to safety.
This movie features one of the best single-take actions sequences of the last 20 years about 3/4 of the way through.

Moonrise Kingdom – (2012)
Bruce Willis, Ed Norton, Bill Murray, and Frances McDormand all star in this fun and endearing story about two infatuated adolescents who run away from home. This movie is classic Wes Anderson, though more accessible than some of his other works. If you are new to his style, pay attention to his use of symmetry throughout the movie.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor – (2018)
This movie is a revealing and compelling documentary about the life of Fred Rogers. It covers his entire career giving you insight into his mindset and what made him who he was.
One of my favorite moments is when it shows him testifying before congress and standing up for children. His passion and tenacity really show through.

State of Play – (2009)
A veteran reporter (Russell Crowe) teams up with a young blogger (Rachel McAdams) to investigate a string of murders connected to a popular congressman (Ben Affleck).
This movie keeps you intrigued, and draws you in the deeper as the investigation progresses. If you like mysteries and investigative journalism, this movie is for you.

Field of Dreams – (1989)
A baseball obsessed Iowa farmer, after hearing enigmatic voices, plows under his crops to create a baseball field. That’s when the unexpected begins.
This classic movie is a powerful story of dreams, faith, and reconciliation…and, of course, baseball. A must watch if you’ve never seen it.

Serenity – (2005)
Serenity is a sci-fi nerd classic. Based off the popular but short-lived tv series Firefly, the crew of spaceship Serenity flees from a powerful assassin who’s pursuing a crew member. The movie has a great cast with interesting characters. If you are a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, this movie is cut from a similar cloth.

Inside Man – (2006)
When bank robbers lay siege to a Manhattan bank, Detective Keith Frazier works to resolve a situation that’s much more than meets the eye.
Director Spike Lee expertly weaves intrigue and mystery in this surprisingly complex heist movie. For me, this is a genre favorite movie.

What Women Want – (2000)
This Rom-Com classic throws a self-proclaimed ladies man for a loop after an accident leaves him with the ability to hear what women think.
I enjoy this movie for fun concept and a kind of timelessness to it, aside from some late 90s fashion.

Confidence – (2003)
Confidence is an underrated movie staring Edward Burns and Rachel Weisz. It’s the story of a con man getting in trouble with the wrong people as he attempts to pull of his biggest con yet.
This movie expertly plays off the misdirection common to con men and con movies. It does a good job of pulling it all together in the end.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – (1998)
An utterly absurd Guy Ritchie film that’s not for the feint of heart; Lock Stock tells the story of 4 friends who are in serious trouble after a card game and decide to double down on trouble by robbing the weed-growers next door.
This film has all the trademarks that Ritchie movies are known for: hilariously verbose dialogue, absurd humor, ironic happenstance, and of course, weed.